Sustainability Management

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Principle of Sustainability Management

Agile upholds the philosophy of "lifestyle of a lifetime" with a focus on people's aspiration for a wonderful lifestyle by striving to create and achieve value with our staff, customers, investors, cooperating partners and other stakeholders, continuously exploring development and operation model in harmony with the environment, and promoting synergistic development with economic, environmental and social benefits.

Sustainability Management Framework

In response to the new requirement of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) management of listed companies and in order to enhance the Company's ESG management level, the risk management committee of the Company considered and passed a resolution to establish a sustainable development steering group under the risk management committee. The sustainable development steering group was established on 20 May 2020 with responsibilities include:

To develop the Company's ESG vision and strategy, monitor and review the Company's ESG policies and practices, and provide guidance for the Company's ESG management work;
To monitor the implementation and execution of the Company's ESG management policies, review and assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the ESG management framework, and make recommendations on the improvement of its structure and scope of responsibilities;
To supervise the Company's business segments to develop ESG management objectives based on their operational status (e.g. environmental and safety management objectives), regularly review the suitability of the objectives and continuously monitor the achievement of the objectives;
To review ESG disclosure regulations and regulatory requirements, assess the Company's status of ESG indicator management, review and publish the Company's annual ESG report;
To assess the performance of the Company's ESG efforts, including the grading by external stakeholders (e.g. investors) on the Company's ESG efforts, the Company's ESG grading in the capital market and the feasibility of incorporating such ESG indicators.

Agile's Sustainability Management Framework