Agile Group Holdings Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (hereafter, the "Group") always consider occupational health and safety as a core value of the Group, fulfill its responsibility for work safety, instill the safety concept of "Life First", continue to improve the Group's safety compatibility and safety standard, and establish a work safety system with long-lasting effect.
This policy makes reference to the basic principles and advocates of the "Global Compact" and stipulates the overall management commitment, principle and approach of the Group in respect of occupational health and safety. Certain matters covered by this policy may relate to other management measures or official documents of the Group and the more specific provision among the two shall prevail. In the event of any conflict or discrepancy with relevant international standards in the place of operation of the project company, requirement compliance shall be prioritised, while paying due respect to the values promoted by such standards.
1. The Group complies with applicable requirements of occupational health and safety laws in its places of operation, including relevant industry management standards, and endeavours to establish an occupational health and safety management system with reference to industry-leading practices and standards and encourage the Group to participate in certification of safety management system standards.
2. Under the leadership of the board of directors of the Company, the senior management members, including the chief executive officer of the Group, are responsible for the employee health and safety strategy and performance of the Group. They are committed to ensuring a safe working environment and creating and cultivating a positive and healthy work safety culture.
3. Each employee of the Group should pay attention to his/her own safety and the safety of surrounding workers, take part in activities to reduce operational risks, and remedy any condition that poses a threat to work safety in an appropriate manner.
4. Through hazard and threat identification and assessment, the Group formulates relevant construction technology, safety management, education and training, individual protection, emergency response, management and control measures such as internal and external safety inspection and safety assessment and their implementation, thereby minimising the health and safety risks of employees, suppliers and partners.
5. The Group devises health and safety performance targets, facilitates assessment of health and safety performance indicators of partners, and factors such performance into the remuneration review of the Group's senior management. It also regularly monitors the effectiveness and sustainability of the current health and safety management system.
6. Timely public disclosure is made in relation to the Group's health and safety management policies and the communication and participation of internal and external stakeholders.
This policy applies to all employees in the place of operation of the Group and proactively pushes forward the implementation of this policy by partners of the Group in each place of operation.
The risk management committee under the board of directors of the Company has established the steering workforce on sustainable development, which will annually review and timely update this policy, and submit it to the committee for discussion, approval and adoption.
Made on 1 September 2021